Simulise now also available in English!
And now for all our English listeners; It's been a wish of us for a long time but we are ready. We worked all summer long and now we have our English translation of Simulise ready. Especially for our multi language customers in the Netherlands and of course our foreign customers (to come). Next we will also translate our website in English so foreign customers can get the appropriate information.
En voor alle Nederlanders; Simulise is er vanaf heden ook in het Engels. We hebben alle functies vertaald en kunnen nu bij het inloggen een keuze aanbieden tussen Nederlands of Engels. Hiermee komen we tegemoet aan een wens van Nederlandse tweetalige scholen maar ook aan de wens van verschillende buitenlandse geïnteresseerden. Het portfolio, de community en de leeromgeving van Simulise is hiermee internationaal beschikbaar.
About Simulise (English)
Simulise lines with the educational vision of education. Supervising, motivating and inspiring are our goals. The Simulise platform, fosters an environment in collaboration with the educational institution in which reflective and self-directed learning and work are fully embraced. Simulise created a place for students where they can express themselves and come into contact with businesses. Skills like the 21st century Skills, are mapped in consultation with the educational institution.
The portfolio within Simulise is the place where people work together and presented what they have achieved.