99 Top Tools
20 juni 2013
Frans Peeters
Onderstaand bericht kwam vandaag binnen:
My name is Amy Hubbard and I run the content department here at Top5OnlineColleges.org. My team has recently published an awesome resource on our site titled: 99 Top Tools for Online Teaching. To view our resource follow the link provided:
We created our resource because planning for the online classroom can be very difficult even for the most creative teachers. That is why each site featured on our resource has great suggestions and tips for both novice and experienced online educators alike. So no matter where a teacher is at in their career they will be able find a great lesson plan for them and their classroom.
We are excited about our resource and we want to spread it beyond our site’s readership. Feel free to share our resource with your readers. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Het is een opsomming van allerlei bekende en minder bekende tools waar je eens doorheen kunt bladeren. Misschien zit er iets voor je bij.
My name is Amy Hubbard and I run the content department here at Top5OnlineColleges.org. My team has recently published an awesome resource on our site titled: 99 Top Tools for Online Teaching. To view our resource follow the link provided:
We created our resource because planning for the online classroom can be very difficult even for the most creative teachers. That is why each site featured on our resource has great suggestions and tips for both novice and experienced online educators alike. So no matter where a teacher is at in their career they will be able find a great lesson plan for them and their classroom.
We are excited about our resource and we want to spread it beyond our site’s readership. Feel free to share our resource with your readers. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Het is een opsomming van allerlei bekende en minder bekende tools waar je eens doorheen kunt bladeren. Misschien zit er iets voor je bij.